Sunday, February 21, 2010

I600 Approved!

We got our i-171H in the mail yesterday. This means that our I600 has been approved and is on it's way to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire!! YAY! I will call the NVC tomorrow (Monday) and I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I bet we are already logged in! Hopefully. Our I600 was approved on the 16th, so we 'should' be. I'll find out tomorrow.

What does all that mumbo-jumbo mean? The National Visa Center 'logs' our I600 (immigration approval stating that we are ok to bring Joye into the U.S.) into their system then 'logs' us out, known as NVC in and NVC out. NVC out means that our I600 is on it's way to US Embassy in Seoul. The Embassy will then compile other documents needed along with our I600 to form our P3. Now, like always, I will stop there. This week we 'should' have NVC in and NVC out.

Why are these dates important? It just helps me to know that our paperwork has arrived to it's destination. It's just a checkpoint of sorts. So stay tuned, I will keep you posted. And then we will move on to the next step!


SNC said...

Congratulations!! I know how good it feels to have this big milestone out of the are getting closer and closer to the end.

kelly said...

congratulations! i can't wait until i see that approval in our mailbox!

Kala said...

YAY!!! That is such a milestone. One step closer. Now,come Korea, get those EP's rolling!!

Heidi Welch said...

Woo-hoo! Step by step. :)

Michelle said...

YAY! Congrats Jayme! I know that you've been waiting on this one. It's just a matter of time now. Let's just hope that the EP's start picking up :)

Steve and Karen said...

That's great news!!!! It's so nice to have this done and this is a step that has held up so many others so to see it completed is such a relief. Now, onto the last stretch of this wonderful journey.

Kara O said...

Congrats!! You , Christy and I are all going to be there at the same time!!!!

Brittany said...

Yeah! That let's you give out a big sigh of relief.

Lucky Mama said...

How did I miss this???? CONGRATS!!!! Come on TC!!