I can remember his "birth" day like it was yesterday. And now my baby is four years old. How does time fly by so FAST! I cannot believe how big both boys are getting.
Chad called our agency today and we are now #18 on the list. The lady he talked to said everything was pretty slow around there. From what I have heard fall/winter usually is. Once January hits, everything tends to pick up speed. We have plenty to keep us busy this month, thankfully.
For those of you following, our SW (social worker) hasn't called yet, and we haven't began our Homestudy. We have officially met her, at an Adoption Fair that our church put on. She does HS on the side and has a full time job, so we aren't pushing too hard. Plus, our agency doesn't really begin HS until you're 10th on the list anyway. Chad is chomping at the bit to start, but I would rather do it after January. December is FULL and if it gets done now, it leaves more time to wait for our referral (essentially). It will take a few months to complete, and leave less time twiddling our thumbs. That't my thought process anyway :) Like other waiting Mom's have put it, they are "preparing" rather than waiting. I love that, puts a positive outlook on the whole thing.
We will update once we get more info. Otherwise, off to bake a cake for the birthday boy.
1 comment:
Great to 'meet' you too! I am always excited to find other people on the same journey! I sure hope the girls list starts to move soon! You will have to let me know how the homestudy goes!
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